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The European
Heritage Project

Unique Buildings & Cultural Heritage

The European Heritage Project by Peter Löw is dedicated to preserving historical heritage. With the acquisition of the old Berggericht building and the so-called Lacknerhaus in the heart of Kitzbühel in 2012/2013, a significant part of Kitzbühel's old town came into the possession of the European Heritage Project. This project is thus closely linked with the history and the city of Kitzbühel.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Löw, a jurist and historian, is a successful businessman. As an entrepreneur, he has taken over, rebuilt, and rescued more than 200 struggling companies, saving numerous jobs. However, as an honorary professor of business ethics, he understands that success in business, while important, is not everything. In the best tradition of Anglo-American patronage, he founded the "European Heritage Project." This private initiative aims to identify, acquire, and preserve historically unique properties as landmarks that foster identity. The generous patron Prof. Dr. Dr. Löw seeks to grant people access to the "beacons" of their ancestors. In this mission, he also restores projects in need of renovation to new splendor and greatness. Schloss Frankenberg is a "European Heritage Project."

Learn more about European Heritage Project